En / Ru

Personal data

Full name:
Davydenkov Mikhail
Birth date and place:
23/12/1989, Korolev (Moscow region)
+7-929-635-8265 davydenkov.mihail@gmail.com @davydenkovm Skype: davydenkov_mihail
Marital status:
Married, two children


2006 - 2012
Moscow Aviation Institute
(State University of Aerospace Technologies)
Automated systems of information processing and control
Diploma (honours):
System engineer (Master's degree)

2008 - 2012
Translation studies
Linguist / translator (Master's degree)

Professional experience

2014 - today

CTO (2017-2018)
Software architect (2016-2017)
Team-Lead (2014-2015)
Senior software developer (2014)

(Head of the development department, CTO)

During my work at Netology Group there were a lot of happy moments and challenging tasks. I tried to keep up with the very dynamic development of the company, tried to do my best and helped my colleagues to become a better versions of themselves :)

Here I learned a lot, and I was fortunate enough to grow up from a startup employee to a software architect/CTO in a mature and solid company (one of the biggest EduTech companies in Russia)

Here are some of my achievements, which I consider the most significant:

  • For the portals and services of the Netology, business development processes have been built almost from scratch, and several cross-functional teams have been formed that develop independent products in accordance with the principles and ideas of Agile and using the Scrum / Kanban frameworks. The Department of Development of the Netology has been expanded from 4 developers to 15+. There was organized independent team work with parallel software releases (Gitflow -> GithubFlow)
  • In the role of architect and developer I have developed and implemented important technical solutions and many of them are currently working in the company. Among these things:
    • Work with payments - payment gateways, In-app payments / recurring payments and refunds of payments, credit and installments, coupon service functionality (promotional campaigns and multi-level discounts), integration with various payment systems, price calculators, automation of accounting operations and procedures (integration with services such as solar-staff.com)
    • Tools for improving SEO positions / healthchecks system - custom meta tag validators and tools to build dynamic micro-markup, solutions for improving portal indexing (server rendering functionality (Dynamic nginx + PhusionPassenger (C ++) + ExpressJS backend) and AJAX-crawling proxying), optimizing page load speed (backend and frontend optimization),
    • Heavy SQL-based solutions - multicriteria ratings for students (filters on geobase, classes, disciplines, groups / olympiad seasons, etc.), the functionality of recommendation services, user's bookmarks, improvements of full-text search on the portal, facet search, profiling and optimization of heavy search queries, SQL profiling and optimization, construction of flame graphs and histograms)
    • Sub-portals (multi-tenant apps), special projects, landing constructors (like Tilda/Webflow, but for custom needs), web editors for media content,
    • Authorization services, business logic of access policies, model of access to checkpoints through access rules / prerequisites, gamification (data models for the system of ranks / levels / achievements), schedule / group parallels / custom granular LMS, user-friends bots, Code Sandboxes
    • Encrypted storage of personal data and documents , custom solutions for AB testing (including the layer of business logic for working with unauthorized users), ETL solutions (bindings around MyDBR / data converters => migration to Metabase)
  • The strategy of migration of the Netology to a new platform has been developed and implemented (Monolith |> Monolith + SPA |> Monolith + rails + SPA |> Monolith + rails + nodejs server-side rendering + SPA)
    (PHP API / crontasks / CRM + rails (API - LMS - newCRM / CMS - code sandboxes) + micro-services + SPA + new Data Sources)
  • The server infrastructure of production-like RC servers has been built and a lot of routine processes have been automated (server configuration tasks, deployment and containerization of applications, maintenance modes, dumps-backup-logging, etc.). I have done a lot to boost the DevOPS culture in the Netology
  • A cohesive team was formed and a contribution was made to the development of the culture of development in the company: developer meetups were organized / with training sessions and pair programming / "techno-days" / attending conferences / joint passage of online courses, master classes were organized, etc :)

2013 - 2014

full-stack developer
(leading developer)

Financial group "Life". ProBusiness Bank
(Leading developer)
  • developed a system for processing loan applications and several gateways to it. Its integration with ~ 50 credit companies and partners
  • has developed a system for analyzing user actions to provide targeted offers based on Live Internet.
  • has developed several plug-ins for bank sites (credit calculators written in JavaScript)

2013 - 2014

full-stack developer

(In parallel with the work in FG "Life")

Distributed development in «Progress Engine»
(full-stack developer)
  • Participated in the creation of a program to increase the loyalty of users "Berzka"
    (when cashbacks on the card were not yet mainstream, acquaintance with PCI DSS certification)
  • Created about 6 plug-ins for Redmine Issue tracker
  • Participation in the development of team projects

2009 - 2013

|> Middle
|> Leading specialist

(In parallel with incomplete PhD)

«Gazprom Space Systems»
(Leading specialist)
  • Administration of Gentoo Linux servers
  • participation in contractual reviews of on-board software development, testing and quality control of software products
  • writing scripts on Ruby and Bash, working in Matlab, configuring blade servers

Projects / Code Samples

You can look at the following projects as my code examples:

CodeSandbox (Demo: https://netology.ru/netcoder ) - this is a small project in which I have participated as software architect and fullstack developer. There are SPA react/redux app, rails API backend/back-office + Code Executor written using Elixir. It is about 4 weeks were spent on this project (in my spare time, it is a home project). It is not the best my work (because it is part-time job), but some approaches to software development can be reviewed.

SampleCalendar - This small sample React component, written as interview assignment for company oneclass.com bootstrapped with create-react-app. A couple of evenings were spent on this project

Also you can inspect https://foxford.ru, https://netology.ru, https://academy.hh.ru, https://netology.ru, https://edmarket.ru. For each of these large portals I have implemented a lot of features and code specs.


I'm interested in programming in the broadest sense of the word and I really like learning new things!

During my career, I managed to get acquainted with different approaches to development and to do many useful things for companies in which I was fortunate enough to work.
I worked with the following languages and their ecosystems: Ruby, JavaScript (ES3 / ES5 / CoffeeScript / ES2015 + / ElmLang / PureScript / nodejs), Erlang / Elixir, Scala (very little Java and Kotlin), Haskell, Go-lang, Clojure, C / C ++, Bash, Python.

I have an experience in the role of team lead, software architect and in the role of Head of the Development Department / CTO. I interacted quite closely with colleagues from product divisions, marketers, designers, sales departments, business representatives and partners / contractors from outside companies, so I can well imagine how to make development process effective and transparent for business.

I'm sure that I could quickly adapt and be very productive in any company with a developed culture of software development. I have a personal development plan for the next couple of years. I quickly learn and try to keep the spirit of juniority.

At the moment, I'm considering the vacancy options for the keywords Software Architect / Senior Fullstack / Senior Frontend / Senior Backend . At the moment, I'm more interested in dealing with technical issues / software architecture than with people management.

I spend free time with my family, studying electrical engineering / robotics / professional books about software engineering, studying at various online courses/master-classes. If you are interested in working with me you can walk around the links in the header of this CV - get acquainted with my presentations / speeches / take a look at various demo projects ^^ I will be happy to answer your questions :)